alicia kersten

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My name is Alicia Kersten and I am a Business Educator in Vancouver, British Columbia. I teach secondary school students marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, applied skills, keyboarding, web design, and anything else that falls under Business Education in BC. I have built this website so that I can manage my tools for teaching and share my resources with others.

There are four pages to this website.  The first one is home, which is where you are located now.  The second page is called teaching and will share my goals as an educator, past professional experience, and some evaluations of my teaching.  The third page is called portfolio and will reveal lesson ideas, plans, assignments, rubrics, resources, and anything else that I have used for teaching purposes.  The final page is called personal and speaks about where I came from, where I have been, and what I am up to now.


 Last modified on August 22, 2005.  For comments or more information email: alicia at